Prerequisite: Dig Deeper
Duration: 5 days
Online or in person
Day 1: Nations friendly to our genetics
Day 2: Nations that have historically been enemies of our genetics
Day 3: Religions present in our genetics
Day 4: Religions alien to our genetics
Day 5: Groups of people, genders, professions, institutions, etc
Did you know that a huge amount of your vital energy may be stagnating in the maintenance of ancestral resentments and battles?
This is one of the deepest and most surprising ThetaHealing courses. We delve into our genetics and the history of the world, releasing the prejudices and battles between genders, ethnicities, nations, types of people and professions, religious beliefs, etc.; this way, we can anchor more inner peace and contribute with integrity to the dissolution of patterns of war and duality.
Once beliefs come to the surface and are worked through, hidden hatreds and resentments that go back centuries will be released, allowing us to embrace and accept the people and cultures of the world with true unconditional love.
This will open up new opportunities for you to work and relate, in a harmonious and prosperous way, with people from all cultures and backgrounds; which makes this course a real gateway for anyone wishing to expand internationally.
What you will learn:
Making peace with our origins and integrating the virtues of our DNA: the journey towards peace also means making peace with our genetics. In Brazil we have records of native peoples and colonizers within all of us: Africans, Europeans, Indians, Asians, Middle Easterners... Can you imagine living in peace with all your DNA? Being able to honor and anchor your wisdom and VIRTUES, without having to perpetuate your vices and limitations?
People: there's no point in wishing for peace outside of ourselves, if within our internal records we continue to wage wars and perpetuate prejudices. Here we're going to do a refined purification of hidden prejudices against peoples and cultures from all over the world.
Religions: We will also clear distortions and resentments towards the world's different religions, allowing us to integrate diversity through Unconditional Love.
Genders, professions and institutions: We will work on removing prejudices about genders, professions and institutions from our ancestral records.
Forgiveness: Innocence, in the African language Fongbe, is not holding anything back in the heart: in other words, being able to forgive, ask for forgiveness and forgive oneself. This course helps us to forgive human history, thus freeing it from its vicious cycle of repeating drama.
Rooting: After this great cleansing, we will be able to anchor our roots more firmly, honoring our history and ancestry while enjoying the freedom to create what is truly genuine for us. More consciously taking our place in the web of collective co-creation.
You will receive:
International practitioner certificate (issued by THInK - ThetaHealing Institute of the USA)

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu:
May all beings have happiness and the cause of happiness. May all beings be free from suffering and the cause of suffering.
Photo from the documentary “Human” - Yann Arthus - Bertrand