Free online meetings with agents of transformation, healers, artists, native leaders and visionaries of the New Earth, gathering hundreds of people around the world to share knowledge, strengthen new paradigms of good living, collective prayers and meditations to strengthen peace and act on specific themes.
When we unite our hearts with the same intention of healing and love, and sustain this vibration in a conscious and focused way, we have a very powerful impact on current realities.
Sometimes we can feel powerless in the face of global, environmental and social issues. But macro realities are the expression of the collective subconscious, and we play an important role in this dream web of co-creating collective reality.
One of the steps is to take our place in this web with increasing awareness and presence, entering our inner Universe and starting to stop the wars within us. Another, equally fundamental step is to strengthen ourselves as a network; to come together, embracing diversity in communion and actively creating more loving realities.
When we meet in these circles of power, we emanate great waves of consciousness into the collective fabric, helping the process of transformation and awakening of humanity.
How did this movement start?
This movement started in the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, reuniting more than a thousand people and different countries to send healing and provide collective support in this time. Since then, it has been promoting gridwork for planetary healings, and inspirational space for envisioning and practicing possibilities for well-being for the collective on Earth.
Enjoy the previous meetings for free:
Grid work
Everything is vibration, and it is possible to create planetary transformation, by acting in coherence with Love's Intelligence. We believe that by gathering a larger number of people we can create a bigger electromagnetic field of change that can reverberate on the planet. That has been one of the biggest missions of the Global Healing Movement so far.
Through the meetings, we experience the power of focused prayer and collective intention, acting on where it is most needed at the moment. At the same time that we act towards worlds issues, each participant receives nurturing and support for its personal journey.

Socio-environmental actions
One of our greatest aspirations is to start working more deeply in socio-environmental actions, being able to offer our love and the virtues and skills we have cultivated so far for the benefit of more people and Mother Earth.
We are very happy to be celebrating our first steps in helping the Fulni-ô indigenous population in the municipality of Águas Belas, Pernambuco, Brazil, to deal with the lack of drinking water.
Through a vakinha, we managed to raise funds to buy two 10,000-liter water tanks, which the two different groups of the Fulni-ô ethnic group are using to store drinking water for the consumption of the elders and children during the community's Ouricuri rituals in the forest and for the children's school.
This is still a small action for a community of around 6,000 inhabitants, almost symbolic, but we celebrate each step with joy. During the vakinha we connected with new partners such as the NGO Água Camelo, and we are now working on a project with the community to solve the issue at a macro level.