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Image by Abigail Lynn

Rainbow Children

Coming Soon..!

Prerequisite: Dig Deeper 

Duration: 2 days

Online or in person


All the strength, beauty and power of the ThetaHealing technique is based on the connection with the Source of Creation of All That Is, the pure unconditional love that permeates all Creation. What if we could deepen and improve our understanding and connection with the Source even more, expanding not only our service as a healer but also our power of manifestation?


To this end, Vianna Stibal has developed You and the Creator, one of the technique's essential courses, which brings the experience of differentiating the voices of the mind from the true voice of Source. This course helps us to broaden our intuition and connection with God, proving to be one of the most powerful and fundamental for ThetaHealing practitioners and for those who want more clarity about the voice of the Creator.

What you will learn:


Connection with the Source: Gain insight and power in connecting with your intuition and the Creative Source of All That Is.


Clarity about the Voice of the Creator: Improve your understanding of what the Voice of the Creator is like and how to let go of the hidden layers of the subconscious mind that interfere with this connection.


Learn a new and efficient way of digging: which you can use in your personal and professional practice.


Learn to recognize the different levels of the mind: Survival Self, Undercurrent, Higher Self and the Source, aligning these different aspects of your Being so that they can work together. In this way, you can release the resistance and self-sabotage that comes from fear and survival, helping you to live in alignment with your dreams.


Delve even deeper into the 3 R's: rejection, resentment, and especially the energy of regret. As long as we don't understand what we're learning from regret, the energy stays stagnant in the past event, not allowing us to live fully in the present because of fear of repeating the regret situation. We will learn to release regrets from the past in order to make the energy available for current manifestations.

Forgiveness Exercise: according to Vianna Stibal, forgiveness is the greatest protection there can be. In this course you will learn a powerful forgiveness exercise to close negative energetic bonds and karmic issues, completing the attachment to the past and being able to move forward with lightness and freedom.


Memory Reset Exercise: Sometimes we can be confused and unfocused because of different information from the past, which disorganizes or disrupts our energy field in the present and our creations for the future. This exercise will help us organize the memories of the past, present and future, so that we can refer to the past occasionally when necessary, but without getting lost in it, and at the same time move forward with focus towards the future and divine timing.


Divine Timing Reading: Once we have released the 3 r's, along with the power of releasing resentment and practicing forgiveness, we are ready for divine timing reading and can open ourselves up to receive the gifts that the soul has chosen to experience even before incarnating.

Difference between the Voices of the Planes of Existence: Each plane of existence has a unique vibration and an inherent type of response. Healers and intuitives can end up confusing themselves with the voices of the different planes of existence, when in fact they are searching for the highest truth of the Source. For this reason, Vianna Stibal has developed this unique exercise to teach practitioners how to differentiate between the voices of each plane and the energy of Unconditional Love, thus increasing their effectiveness in doing readings and sessions.

This course is one of the prerequisites for most of the other ThetaHealing courses, and also for becoming an instructor.


 You will receive:

The You and the Creator book


International practitioner certificate (issued by THInK - ThetaHealing Institute of the USA)

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