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Game of Life

Get out of the passenger seat and become the driver of your life

Prerequisite: Dig Deeper 

Duration: 3 days

Online or in person


This is a master course for expanding the realization of Divine Timing and Success in all areas of life. It was developed by instructor Hiroyuki in partnership with Vianna Stibal, with the intention of uniting spirituality with the intelligence of the heart-driven business world.


Designed on the basis of real success stories, the course offers a unique dynamic in which you write down the specific vision of what you want to manifest in your life, and then go through the seven stages of a manifestation pyramid to make your vision real and infuse it with unlimited abundance.


In each of these stages, sessions will be exchanged, belief lists cleared and powerful downloads installed, allowing you to advance from the passenger seat in life - in which you may be limited by obligations to your parents, attachment to the past or fear of envy - to the driver's seat - in which you learn to open up to infinite abundance and become ready to successfully materialize your visions.


This course is designed to bring you face to face with your Divine Timing.


What you will learn:


The Seven Stages of the Pyramid of Manifestation, worked through session exchanges, meditations, belief list clearing, written reflection exercises and theoretical content.


1. Releasing obligations to parents and caregivers:

We will clear limiting beliefs learned in childhood and release the patterns and obligations of meeting the expectations of our parents or caregivers in order to survive. Making us freer and safer to tune into the vision of life that is most genuine to us.


2. Releasing attachment to the past:

We will release our attachment to what we consider to be past failures or successes, reaping the learnings and virtues needed to live in the present by projecting creative energy towards the future in a powerful and healthy way.


3. Clearing away fears about being accepted by society:

If I'm very successful, what will the people around me think or say? Is it possible to live my true dream and belong to society?

In this stage, we will clear genetic beliefs and patterns of lack of confidence related to the fear of not being accepted by society.


4. Peer pressure:

As you become more successful in life, you begin to attract the attention of your colleagues and peers. Here we'll clear up the challenges that arise at this stage, such as fear of envy, obligations to being attacked, etc.


5. Opening up to infinite abundance:

Clearing beliefs and blocks that could leave you stagnating in always manifesting only up to a certain limit (of financial amount, number of students or clients etc).


6. Becoming ready for success:

Releasing patterns of procrastination or perfectionism to get into the flow of your divine timing, where everything can be accomplished more easily and your dreams come true.


7. Vision and Manifestation:

Strengthening your authentic vision, which motivates and directs you to go beyond fears or worries, inspiring you to act.

Learning to form teams with the most compatible people who share your vision, so that they become more than people looking for a job, being motivated to bring out the best in themselves and awaken their highest potential.


8. Manifestation method: sharing your vision out loud with a group:

Powerful manifestation practice using the power of words and the testimony of your soul family.


9. Pyramid Manifestation Method:

Unique manifestation meditation using the power of the pyramid.


You will receive:


International practitioner certificate (issued by THInK - ThetaHealing Institute USA)

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