Basic DNA
Initiation into the powerful energy healing technique that has transformed the lives of thousands of people around the world
In this course we will gain the master key to a direct and effective connection with the Source of Creation, or Unconditional Love, opening our intuition and entering into a process of empowerment and Self-Love. We will learn to work deeply with the subconscious, letting go of limiting beliefs, old structures of fear, restriction and scarcity by remembering our spiritual nature, entering into a powerful journey of transformation towards our real Self.
Prerequisite: None
Duration: 3 days
Online or in person
The Basic Dna course is the first initiation into the tool of ThetaHealing, and will give you the philosophical and practical basis to start using the technique with yourself and therapeutically with other people, if you wish.
It is a game changer that connects us deeply with our intuition, promoting an opening and refinement of the intuitive senses from the direct connection with the Source of Unconditional Love, a vast field of omniscient and loving energy that is the foundation of this work.
By strengthening this connection with the Source of Creation, the course generates a process of empowerment and maturation of Self-Love; and teaches us tools to work deeply and effectively with the subconscious, helping us to integrate Love into our darkest corners.
What you will learn:
Meditation and Focused Prayer Techniques: we will practice a meditation that amplifies our connection with the Source of Creation and makes us access the theta and delta brain waves, to promote healing and transformation.
Techniques for Deep Transformation of the Subconscious: we will learn tools that allow us to get to the subconscious root of blockages and traumas; with which it will be possible to change unhealthy patterns and limiting beliefs and bring loving integration to emotional wounds (such as abandonment, rejection, loneliness, betrayal, etc.), promoting deep transformation in our lives.
Intuitive Reading: we will learn how to read the energy and information field of a person, situation, or ourselves, by amplifying our intuitive senses and connecting with the Source of Creation.
Healing and Transformations: we will learn how to access our healing potential with the Source of Creation, identifying limiting patterns and witnessing the necessary transformations, in order to take on our role as co-creators of our lives with self-responsibility and power.
Manifesting Dreams and Projects: We will learn how to use the ThetaHealing technique to materialize dreams and projects that are in resonance with our heart's truth; including soul family partnerships, soulmate relationships, life projects, etc.
And more: We'll also learn the basis of ThetaHealing's Spiritual Philosophy - the Seven Planes of Existence; channeling guardian angels; clearing resentments and rejections, spiritual interferences and soul fragments; how to work towards healing physical illnesses; DNA activation and more.
You will receive:
Basic DNA Book
International practitioner certificate (issued by THInK - ThetaHealing Institute of the USA)