Babaji's Kriya Yoga

A set of 18 hatha yoga postures that work with all the systems and chakras of your body, in a combination of contraction and expansion that open the flow of the 72.000 nadis (pathways of energy) inside you. This series leads to a powerful union of strength and relaxation that prepares you to meditate with more depth and easiness; bringing health and vitality to your physical body, peace and focus to your mind, and connection to your soul.
They are a synthesis of the ancient tradition of the 18 Siddhas, from South India, and were selected by the great master Babaji Nagaraj, to support humanity to overcome the stress of modern life and obtain spiritual realization.
Kriya Yoga is a scientific art of God, Truth Union and Self-Realization, and believes that the divine pulsate in every particle of existence, offering tools not only to transcend the illusion of physical experience, but to embody the totality of our divine soul into a completely awake matter.
The hatha yoga classes also offer different Pranayamas, the art of breath; Mantras, the sacred and devotional use of words and sound, and Meditations to support your daily life and your spiritual journey.

Babaji and Mataji

India Kriya Yoga Pilgrimages
On a Pilgrimage one will have all the support and safety to experience the “Divine Presence” by meditating in sacred places that provide an earthy doorway to the Infinite and the Absolute; participating in daily group practices of Kriya Yoga, knowing several living masters, and experiencing the rich cultural tapestry of India and its profound spiritual wisdom. All of this is warmed by the beautiful reunion of soul family members from different countries, creating an unforgettable experience.
North India
October 3 to 21th of 2022
(last available places)
Unforgettable experience in the homeland of Yoga, where Babaji's Kriya Yoga was born. We will be comfortably lodged in the 13 apartments of the ashram in Badrinath, situated close to the border of Tibet, in the Himalayas Mountain.
One may easily experience the “Divine Presence '' in such a place as Badrinath, with the Pure Magnificence of The Mountains sanctified by the spiritual practice of many yogis and saints for thousands of years.
Your journey will be supported by daily group practices of Hatha Yoga, Meditation and visits to beautiful places of strong spiritual energy including Vasudhara Falls, Vyasa Gufa, Neelakantam Peak, Badrinath Temple and the hot springs bathing ghat, and Mana, the small village that is the doorway to Babaji's Etheric Ashram at Satopanth Tal.

Know your Instructors
Annapurna Ma and Ganapati are disciples of the great master Babaji Nagaraj and practitioners of Kriya Yoga for more than 24 years. For the past 4 years, they were introduced as acharyas (spiritual teachers) in Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas, giving initiations in asanas, pranayamas and meditations in Brazil and other countries, such as Argentina, Colombia and Portugal. Other than being a vegetarian chef and therapist, Annapurna has deepened into the practice and teaching of hatha yoga, giving classes to adults and children for the past 20 years; Ganapati has worked as a journalist, writer and teacher and has an intense intellectual investigation, researching the subjects of history, philosophy, psychology and spiritual traditions since 1980; he is the author of different spirituality books. They are also grandparents, holotropic breathwork facilitators and our lovely guides on this pilgrimage to India. Annapurna will guide our hatha yoga practices and Ganapati will present us the history and knowledge about the sacred places and the Kriya Yoga itself.